Click on the link below to purchase your 
Doodle Romp 2023 tickets!

Since this is a day of doodle fun but also a charity event we have a ticket price of $10/person. The ticket price goes towards the cost of hosting this event and all extra funds will be donated to the Swissridge dogs for kids charity. Dogs and children under 12 years of age are free. Please purchase your tickets online before the event and bring them with you the day of the event. 

Anyone can come to this event and enjoy the day with the
 SwissRidge Community, HOWEVER ONLY DOGS ADOPTED FROM SWISSRIDGE CAN ATTEND. We are very strict about this policy.
ALSO BE SURE your dog is up to date on all vaccines (DHPP AND RABIES) AND YOUR DOG HAS BEEN ADMINISTERED FLEA CONTROL IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER.  IF YOUR DOG IS IN HEAT PLEASE LEAVE IT AT HOME. IF YOUR DOG IS OLDER THEN 7 MONTHS AND HAS NOT BEEN SPAYED/NEUTERED YET THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND. If your dog is not comfortable around large crowds of people and dogs, or displays aggression, this is not the event to attend.